Station casinos reno nv

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I asked hey wait a minute, we wanted the tunnel tour and hear about the bootleg times and history. Finally we start walking back to the casino and all the guide could do is talk about how bad it smells down in the tunnels and that if it was ok, not to go there. I'm thinking, where is all of this going. Marilyn Monroe was killed by the Kennedy's and Sinatra, different conspiracies, and then he starts talking about the bible and the end of days.) This other group starts asking questions about the end of days. He started talking about the history or what went on in the cabins over time (i.e. So the tour guide is now giving this other group a tour again. But, the group that had just finished, keep following us. So our guide takes my wife and I out to the back of the casino where some 1 room cottages are kept. So we finally start our tour after another 10 mins waiting for the tour guide to finish talking to the last group. after the tour was suppose to start, our tour guide shows up with his last group. We were at the tour early and waited very patiently for the next tour. To break up our weekend of party and gambling, my wife decided it would be fun to tour the famous tunnels that were used by the gangsters of the 30's and 40's and later on by Sinatra's Rat Pack in the 50's and 60's.

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